One major problem people have with their weight is not so much how to lose it but how to keep it off. This Methodology X review looks at the program that teaches you how to get fit and achieve a slender physique that is natural looking.

Most of us already know that just going on fad diets is not the answer to a healthy, slim and great looking body. So what is the answer?

Taking a whole body or holistic approach to health and fitness coupled with a positive mental attitude constitutes the building blocks for a process that needs to happen for the right results to be achieved. It all starts with you making the decision that you are going to look and feel great and sticking to that decision no matter what.

Methodology X is a program that teaches you how to get yourself fit and achieve that slender, healthy physical appearance that you desire. All you have to do is decide that's what you want to do and then do it! This review explains how the program works and why.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Methodology X and Dan Roberts

You probably heard of personal trainer to the stars, Dan Roberts, but maybe not Methodology X, his training program for models that is now available as a complete home fitness program anyone can use. Often called The Model Whisperer, Roberts is well known in celebrity circles as the man behind the figures of some of the world's top models and celebrities.

Dan Roberts Methodology XMethodology X through the official website. The DVD series features international fashion model Steph along with Roberts taking you through the process of getting slim, fit and beautiful!

In fact, you can watch the promo video below. It introduces Steph and Dan showing you some of the moves that you will be learning that will do amazing things to your figure just like it has done to countless top fashion models, movie stars, celebrities and even royal princesses!

Is Methodology X Hard Work?

It's pretty common to wonder how much work goes into doing this kind of training program and whether it will involve a lot of really hard work. Well, I won't lie to you, getting fit involves moving that body of yours!

Yes there will be some physical exercise that you have to do. That's one of the unfortunate facts of life. If you don't exercise you will not get a body like all the beautiful people you see on TV!

Diet won't do it for you, although you can lose weight that way you won't tone up and look slender and lithe. You'll just look thinner if you even manage to lose any weight and keep it off by dieting alone.

And let's face it, most dieters lose some weight then put it right back on after!

So yes, if you truly want to look great with a slim, healthy looking figure you are going to have to do some exercise. But does it have to be tough?


In fact, a lot of the training moves that Dan and Steph show you are a lot of fun to do. The whole idea of this program is to make it so that it is fun and enjoyable while still giving your body the workout it needs to burn the fact and tone up the muscles to create that slender, lithe body shape you desire.

Where to Buy Methodology X

You can currently only buy this program online direct from Dan Robert's official website To get you there and offer you a great deal on the price, you need to click the promotional advertisement in the column on the right of this page. You can't miss it!

Click that banner and you will be redirected to the official sales page where you will get all the details you need to know about, the special offer price and how to pay along with details on how to get your copy of the complete program.

Do you want it?

I bet you do!

Monday, March 10, 2014

What is Methodology X?

With so many fitness and diet programs around these days, Methodology X might just sound like another gimmick to get you to lose weight, but it's more than that. Here is a full healthy exercise program designed to get you looking great in a slimmer and fitter body through a professionally designed fitness and exercise program devised by one of the UK's top personal trainers, Dan Roberts.

If you haven't already heard of Dan, he's been working for over 20 years with some of the country's top public figures including royal princesses, fashion models, movie stars and TV celebrities. His training has produced some of the best known bodies to grace the big and small screens and now he has put his methods onto a DVD set that you can use for yourself in the privacy of your own home.

What is Your Problem?

Before you even start to look at any kind of slimming program, you need to ask yourself some pretty searching questions about yourself. And be honest!

What exactly do you see as being your own personal problem with your body?

I don't know what that is, because only you can know the true answer to that question. It might be that:

  • You are overweight and are desperate to lose it but have so far failed even after trying all the best known diets
  • You're unfit and don't feel you have the energy or the will to exercise
  • You know that you over eat or eat all the wrong foods but you can't help yourself
  • You just want there to be a magic pill you can take to make it all go away

OK, they are just a few examples of what thousands of people have floating around inside their heads every day. We all have what we see as our personal weight problem and it will be different to other people.

What we have to do is identify it, name it, shame it and then decide we are doing something about it for definite. No half measures, No excuses any more. We're going to do it!

How Does Methodology Work?

First and foremost, this program is designed to be a way to overcome your problem, whatever it may be and in whatever form it may take. You won't solve that problem by doing something you'll hate doing, because you simply won't do it for very long. That's just human nature.

So this program is focused more on having fun while doing a pretty intensive but enjoyable home workout that you can do over a 21 day period. It was originally designed for fashion models, so you can imagine how careful it had to be to pamper to the diva mentality and coax them to do it without throwing a tantrum every time!

So yes, it had to be fun and it had to be enjoyable while providing positive results that the models could see in a relatively short space of time. The program was so successful, it became obvious that it shouldn’t just be reserved for models, when there are so many people out there that could also benefit from its simple and highly effective fitness training methods.

So now you can buy the DVD home workout program and have your very own top personal trainer showing you exactly what to do. You get a 70 page, 26 video, 21 day course for a fraction of the cost that you would have to pay for Dan's personal attention.

And it's one that you can do in your own home with its comfort, familiarity and privacy.

How Much Does Methodology X Cost?

The price for the DVD course is a lot less than you might imagine it to be, considering what it contains and how effectively it can help you achieve the great looking body that you want to have.

Right now there's a special offer where you can buy the complete course online for only $59.99

What, you don't believe it could have such a low price tag? Well it does and what's more, it is a one-time payment and the whole course is yours.

The best part is that there is no catch, no hidden costs, no membership and no sneaky upsell. It's a one off payment and that is all you pay. How cool is that?